Monday, 4 April 2011

Burden of care

Inner Voice - Burden of care
PP Wangchuk

We are all dogged by troubles because we care. If we don't care, our troubles will disap` pear and we would see reason to say that life is beautiful and enjoyable. But the word care does not mean the care to love, i respect and protect others. It means `care to not care' for the problems that cause our miseries. Why care for such a care?This is a key teaching of all religions. This has a vital part of Buddha's philosophy in particular. For instance, why care and kill our happiness when we're not going to get a particular thing? It is in this sense that one has to be careless about care.
Buddha says the destruction of care and troubles is possible only if one knows and cares to see and reflect wisely at suffering and its causes as well as its cessation. There are other ways too on how to get rid of cares and troubles -by restraint, by `use', by endurance, by avoidance, by dispersal and by culture.
Restraint involves contro over mind and sense organs One who has such restraint, i following the right path. By use', we mean the use of thing like clothes, food and shelte that do not add to our osten tatious living and but keeps u n perfect and good sense.
The next is endurance which helps one put up with all kind of troubles like cold and heat hunger and thirst or any othe body or mental pain.
One who has this quality pain is no pain and distress and pleasure is one and the same thing. Similarly, avoidance a a way of life of things that are not noble and useful keeps one away from going astray.
The dispersal method involves rejection of harmfu action and thought.
And, lastly, the most inter esting one is the culture method. One has to cultivate mindfulness, energy, joy, calm ness, concentration and equa nimity -all factors of enlight enment. Only then one can hope to be in bliss.