Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Stop Dreaming and Start Building

I bet you have some great ideas. Ingenious ideas. Ideas that could make you incredibly rich. You’ve probablydreamt of the wealth and fame your ideas could bring you.

Here is the painful truth: It doesn’t matter.

Everyone has (or at least thinks they have) great ideas. Ideas for books, inventions, websites, services, …anything. But how many people actually have the courage and motivation to make those ideas a reality? To learn about book publishing and spend months perfecting a bestseller? To design, build, test, and patent a product? The answer, of course, is very few. That’s because it’s hard to do something original. It’s hard to pour your time and sweat into something that might not succeed. But, it’s the onlypath forward. The only way to achieve your dreams is to take action. Deliberate, faithful action.

Start Now

The time for action is now. Don’t placate yourself with your dreams for another week. That becomes a habit. Stop finding excuses. Start educating yourself.Start building real assets.

In congruence, here is a wonderful quote from Ze Frank’s New Year’s resolutions:

“I promise not to keep ideas in my head, unfulfilled and full of promise - not to let these vague outlines of future actions give me false confidence and security in the abstract. Instead I will execute them quickly and faithfully so that I am again on the brink of the unknown, hoping that these ideas were not the last that would ever come to me from God knows where.”

21 Suggestions for Success

21 Suggestions for Success

By H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

  1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.
  2. Work at something you enjoy and that’s worthy of your time and talent.
  3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
  4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
  5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.
  6. Be generous.
  7. Have a grateful heart.
  8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.
  9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
  10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
  11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.
  12. Commit yourself to quality.
  13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.
  14. Be loyal.
  15. Be honest.
  16. Be a self-starter.
  17. Be decisive even if it means you’ll sometimes be wrong.
  18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
  19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.
  20. Take good care of those you love.
  21. Don’t do anything that wouldn’t make your Mom proud.

H Jackson Brown is also the author of the bestseller Life’s Little Instruction Book.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009


Are you a confident negotiator?
Do you have bad thoughts before a negotiation?
Are you afraid of the results of your negotiation?
Do you know how to increase your confidence during negotiation?

Here are 3 tricks to help you with your confidence:

1) Fake it

We have control over our own emotional states. We can alter our emotional states at any time of the day. When you start faking it, you actually start feeling it.

When you are feeling sad, notice how a smile can change your mood?

What should you do when you are not feeling confident?

You can speak slower.
You can walk taller.
You can sit up straight.
You can smile more.

Plenty of things to do to “fake” your confidence. Your thoughts can affect your actions and vice versa.

Simply put, the more you act confident, the more confident you think. the more confident you are.

2) Detach yourself from the outcome

People are so negative.

Before a race: “What if I lose?”
Before an exam: “What if I fail?”
Before an interview: “What if I don’t get the job?”
Before asking a guy/girl out on a date: “What if I’m too ugly?”
Before a negotiation: “What if _____ (fill in the blank)?”

It is so easy to allow all these negative thoughts of the negotiation outcome to affect you. Detach yourself from the outcome.

When you start to detach yourself from the outcome, you take it less personal and this dramatically increase your confidence.

3) Focus on the situation

When you are stressed over your negotiation, you tend to lose focus of the situation. You will be thinking of what to do, what to say and so on.

Remind yourself of the exact purpose of this negotiation.

As you become more focused on the situation, you find yourself more in control. With this, you start to feel more confident.

Confidence is what you need to increase the success of your negotiation. Do not let such negativity deflate your own self-confidence.

REMEMBER: Confidence is a key component. Own it.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Leggo your ego!

Leggo your ego!

Handling egos in the workplace well can spell the difference between havoc and healthy relationships, says Surekha Guptan

   Egos – we all have them! It is what gives us confidence. The overwhelming majority of us don't have inflated egos, but we're all capable of letting our egos run riot on occasion. Behavioral science experts believe that getting along with coworkers directly correlates with checking your ego at the door. From poor communication to failed negotiations, ego can lay a dangerous path of destruction. The obnoxious and overbearing behaviour that comes with it can damage creativity, undermine effective problem solving and cause stress. "Our creative director is a jerk," says Sambavi Suri, a visualiser. "He demands the credit for every idea, uses a lot of 'I' instead of 'we" during team efforts and dominates conversations and meetings. He does not miss a chance to criticize our ideas. His behaviour has had an adverse impact on our team morale." Egotistical people also feel that they have to be the center of attention to validate themselves. They often neglect the needs of those around them and think only in terms of what will suit them. "When we travel on projects, it's all about our manager and his needs," says Venkatesh Varsi, a marketing executive. "He makes sure he has the best room in the guest house, meals are ordered according to his tastes. He keeps us busy in the evenings so that we are unable to contact our families. This works well with him as he is single. I am sure given the size of his ego; there is no room for a partner." Research has found that more than onethird of all failed business decisions are driven by ego. An egotistical person often believes that another's success means they've failed. They feel better when people around them achieve and earn less. "While I can recognise the sign of a big ego in others, I did not realise that I too was operating on an out-of-control ego," shares Kamini Sarathy, head, overseas operations. "I was willing to do just about anything to gain power, grab the spotlight and undermine people. Taking an ego test on the internet was an eye-opener. I was behaving in a way that I would find disgusting in others." It is tempting to fight ego with an even bigger ego of your own. But that is just not the way to win the battle. The wear and tear of dealing with someone who's demanding and self-absorbed can be stressful. "Ego monsters can be bullies," says Aparna Sharma, Head, Human Resources. "A big ego is a sign of deeper personal insecurity so it calls for sensitive and compassionate handling. Rewarding teamwork instead of individual performance reduces the incentive for egotistic behaviour." If we are able to use our ego effectively, we can turn it into a positive asset. Driving away insecurity, it can be a powerful predictor of success.

QUESTIONS FOR self reflection

Do you find yourself:

Feeling the need to be the center of attention? Manipulating or dominating your co workers? Feeling recognised only if you are better than the team? Feeling the need for an 'I' instead of 'we' in the team? Ignoring your team's needs? Criticising other people's ideas? Objecting to most suggestions by the team? 'Using' people to move ahead in your career? Having meaningful relationships at work?

Thursday, 8 January 2009



A mirror is only as good as the reflection in it.

An appreciative heart attracts more of what it appreciates.

The smallest deed done is greater than the best of intentions. 

Adversity does not build character, it reveals it.

Worry just enough to anticipate trouble but not so much as to bring it about.

Melt the icy fingers of fear with the sunshine of hope.

When you feel dog tired at night, it may be because you've growled all day long.

A good way to forget your troubles is to help others out of theirs.

The sweetest grapes are picked from the vineyard of friendship.

Being in a good frame of mind helps keep one in the picture of health.

People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Don't be so busy adding up your troubles that you forget to count your blessings.

We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.

The impossible can always be broken down into possibilities..

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift! 
That's why it's called the present! 

~Authors Unknown

Have a wonderful day.....Enjoy the present

Friday, 2 January 2009

Remember “I am”

Would you like to discover another Osho Meditation?

Remember “I am”

Wherever you are, remember yourself, that you are. This consciousness that you are should become a continuity. Not your name, your caste, your nationality — those are futile things, absolutely useless. Just remember that: I am. This must not be forgotten. Walking, sitting, eating, talking, remember that: I am.

It will be difficult, very arduous. In the beginning you will keep forgetting: there will be only single moments when you will feel illuminated, then it is lost. But don’t get miserable; even single moments are much. Go on, whenever you can remember again catch hold of the thread. When you forget, don’t worry — remember again, and by and by the gaps will lessen, the intervals will start dropping, a continuity will arise.

And whenever your consciousness becomes continuous, you need not use the mind. Then there is no planning, then you act out of your consciousness, not out of your mind. Then there is no need for any apology, no need to give any explanation. Then you are whatsoever you are; there is nothing to hide. Whatsoever you are, you are. You cannot do anything else. You can only be in a state of continuous remembrance. Through this remembrance, this mindfulness, comes the authentic religion, comes the authentic morality.

This is what Hindus call self-remembrance, what the Buddha called right-mindfulness, what Gurdjieff used to call self-remembering, what Krishnamurti calls awareness. This is the most substantial part of meditation, to remember that: I am.

You need not repeat it in the mind, “I am walking.” If you repeat it, that is not remembrance. You have to be non-verbally aware that “I am walking, I am eating, I am talking, I am listening.” Whatsoever you do, the ‘I’ inside should not be forgotten; it should remain.

It is not self-consciousness. It is consciousness of the self. Self-consciousness is ego. Consciousness of the self is asmita — purity, just being aware that ‘I am’.

Ordinarily, your consciousness is arrowed towards the object. You look at me: your whole consciousness is moving towards me like an arrow. But you are arrowed towards me. Self-remembering means you must have a double-arrow — one side of it showing to me, another side showing to you. A double-arrow is self-remembrance.

Osho: The Empty Boat, #4

Dropping the Armor

“It is just an armor, it is not clinging to you. You are clinging to it, so when you become aware, you can simply drop it. The armor is dead. If you don’t carry it, it will disappear. Not only are you carrying it, but nourishing and feeding it continuously.

But this is how civilization is — in a very neurotic state. Every child is fluid, he has no frozen parts in him; the whole body is one organic unity. The head is not important and the feet are not unimportant. In fact, division doesn’t exist; there are no demarcations. But by and by demarcations start coming up. Then the head becomes the master, the boss, and the whole body is divided into parts. A few parts are accepted by the society and a few parts are not. A few parts are dangerous for the society and have to be almost destroyed. That creates the whole problem.

So you have to watch where you feel limitations in the body. [The questioner responds: “in the legs, neck, chest and throat.”]
“Just do three things....”

Step 1: Exhale Deeply
“One: walking or sitting, or whenever you are not doing anything, exhale deeply. The emphasis should be on exhalation, not on inhalation. So exhale deeply — as much air as you can throw out, throw and exhale by the mouth. But do it slowly so it takes time; the longer it takes the better, because then it goes deeper. When all the air inside the body is thrown out, then the body inhales. Don’t you inhale. Exhalation should be slow and deep, inhalation should be fast. This will change the armor near the chest, and that will change your throat too.

Step 2: Run For Your Life!
Second thing: if you can start a little running that will be helpful. Not many miles, just one mile will do. Just visualize that a load is disappearing from the legs, as if it is falling. Legs carry the armor if your freedom has been restricted too much; if you have been told to do this and not to do that; to be this and not to be that; to go here and not to go there. So start running, and while running, also put more attention on exhalation. Once you regain your legs, and their fluidity, you will have a tremendous energy flow.

Step 3: Disarmoring
The third thing: in the night when you go to sleep, take off your clothes and, while taking them off, just imagine that you are not only taking off your clothes, you are taking off your armor too. Actually do it. Take it off and have a good deep breath — and then go to sleep as if unarmored, with nothing on the body and no restriction.”

Osho: Hammer on the Rock
Click here to discover another Osho Meditation

Finding Silence in the Center of Sound

Close your eyes and feel the whole universe filled with sound. Feel as if every sound is moving toward you and you are the center. This feeling that you are the center will give you a very deep peace. The whole universe becomes the circumference and you are the center, and everything is moving toward you, falling toward you.

The center is without sound, that is why you can hear sounds — a sound cannot hear another sound. The center is absolute silence. That is why you can hear sounds entering you, coming to you, penetrating you, encircling you.

If you can find out where is the center, where is the field in you to where every sound is coming, suddenly sounds will disappear and you will enter into soundlessness. If you can feel a center where every sound is being heard, there is a sudden transference of consciousness. One moment you will be hearing the whole world filled with sounds, and another moment your awareness will suddenly turn in and you will hear the soundlessness, the center of life.

Do not start thinking about the sounds — that this is good and that is bad, and this is disturbing and that is very beautiful and harmonious. Simply think of the center. Just remember that you are the center and all the sounds are moving toward you — every sound, whatsoever the sort.

Sounds are not heard in the ears, the ears cannot hear them. The ears only do a transmission work, and in the transmission they cut out much which is useless for you. They choose, they select, and then those sounds enter you. Now find out within, where is your center. The ears are not the center, you are hearing from somewhere deep down. The ears are simply sending you the selected sounds. Where are you? Where is your center?

Excerpted from The Book of Secrets

Click here to discover another Osho Meditation

What is our so-called life?

What is our so-called life?

A wintry gust disappears amid the bamboos and subsides to a calm.
Just a little drama, just a little playfulness and you are gone.

Our so-called life is so momentary that one should not get attached to it. Its only function — only proper function — can be to find the immortal.

Hidden behind every moment is the eternal. But you can go on moving on the surface, never going deeper into your consciousness. You will move for millions of lives on the surface like ripples.

It is sheer wastage of an immense awareness that can open all the doors of your originality, of your creativity, of your beauty, of your joy.

Each moment becomes such a dancing moment.

Osho:The Original Man, #2

Thursday, 1 January 2009

क्या आप कोई और ध्यान खोजना चाहेंगे? Finding Silence in the Center of Sound

यदि आप अपने जीवन को संपूर्णता से जीना चाहते हैं तो पहले आपको अपनी संभावना के बारे में जानना होगा, यह जानना होगा कि आप कौन हैं। ध्यान इसी जानने की ओर एक कदम है। इस सजगता के विज्ञान की एक प्रक्रिया है।

आंतरिक विज्ञान का सौंदर्य यह है कि जो भी मार्ग तलाश रहा है, तथा अपने भीतर प्रयोग कर रहा है, यह उसे अपने एकांत में ऐसा करने में सहायता करता है। यह किसी भी बाह्य सत्ता पर निर्भरता, किसी संस्था के साथ जुड़ने की आवश्यकता को तथा किसी विचारधारा-विशेष को मानने की विवशता को समाप्त करता है। एक बार आपके कदम सध गये तो आप अपने, केवल अपने ढंग से अपने मार्ग पर चलने लगते हैं ।

कुछ ध्यान-विधियों में शांत व स्थिर बैठना आवश्यक है। परंतु हममें से अधिकतर लोगों के संग्रहीत मनोदैहिक तनाव के कारण ऐसा करना कठिन सा लगता है। इससे पहले कि हम अपनी चेतना के आंतरिक शक्ति-भंडार तक पहुंचने की आशा रखें, हमें पहले अपने तनावों से मुक्त होना होगा।

क्या आप कोई और ध्यान खोजना चाहेंगे?

Feeling Anxious? Be Alert!

जब तुम चिंता अनुभव करो, बहुत चिंताग्रस्त होओ, तब इस विधि का प्रयोग करो। इसके लिए क्या करना होगा? जब साधारणतः तुम्हें चिंता घेरती है तब तुम क्या करते हो? सामान्यतः क्या करते हो? तुम उसका हल ढूंढते हो; तुम उसके उपाय ढूंढते हो। लेकिन ऐसा करके तुम और भी चिंताग्रस्त हो जाते हो, तुम उपद्रव को बढ़ा लेते हो। क्योंकि विचार से चिंता का समाधान नहीं हो सकता है; विचार के द्वारा उसका विसर्जन नहीं हो सकता है। कारण यह है कि विचार खुद एक तरह की चिंता है।

यह विधि कहती है कि चिंता के साथ कुछ मत करो; सिर्फ सजग होओ, बस सावचेत रहो।

मैं तुम्हें एक दूसरे झेन सदगुरु बोकोजू के संबंध में एक पुरानी कहानी सुनाता हूं। वह एक गुफा में अकेला रहता था, बिलकुल अकेला। लेकिन दिन में या कभी-कभी रात में भी, वह जोरों से कहता था, "बोकोजू।' यह उसका अपना नाम था। और फिर वह खुद कहता, "हां महोदय, मैं मौजूद हूं।' और वहां कोई दूसरा नहीं होता था।
उसके शिष्य उससे पूछते थे, 'क्यों आप अपना ही नाम पुकारते हैं, और फिर खुद कहते हैं, हां महोदय, मैं मौजूद हूं?'
बोकोजू ने कहा, 'जब भी मैं विचार में डूबने लगता हूं तो मुझे सजग होना पड़ता है, और इसीलिए मैं अपना नाम पुकारता हूं, बोकोजू! जिस क्षण मैं बोकोजू कहता हूं और कहता हूं कि हां महाशय, मैं मौजूद हूं, उसी क्षण विचारणा, चिंता विलीन हो जाती है।'
फिर अपने अंतिम दिनों में, आखिरी दोत्तीन वर्षों में उसने कभी अपना नाम नहीं पुकारा, और न ही यह कहा कि हां, मैं मौजूद हूं।
तो शिष्यों ने पूछा, 'गुरुदेव, अब आप ऐसा क्यों नहीं करते?'
बोकोजू ने कहा, "अब बोकोजू सदा मौजूद रहता है। वह सदा ही मौजूद है, इसलिए पुकारने की जरूरत न रही। पहले मैं खो जाया करता था, और चिंता मुझे दबा लेती थी, आच्छादित कर लेती थी, बोकोजू वहां नहीं होता था, तो मुझे उसे स्मरण करना पड़ता था। और स्मरण करते ही चिंता विदा हो जाती थी।"

इसे प्रयोग करो। बहुत सुंदर विधि है यह। अपने नाम का ही प्रयोग करो। जब भी तुम्हें गहन चिंता पकड़े तो अपना ही नाम पुकारो--बोकोजू या और कुछ, लेकिन अपना ही नाम हो--और फिर खुद ही कहो कि हां महोदय, मैं मौजूद हूं। और तब देखो कि क्या फर्क पड़ता है। चिंता नहीं रहेगी; कम से कम एक क्षण के लिए तुम्हें बादलों के पार की एक झलक मिलेगी। और फिर वह झलक गहराई जा सकती है। तुम एक बार जान गए कि सजग होने पर चिंता नहीं रहती, विलीन हो जाती है, तो तुम स्वयं के संबंध में, अपनी आंतरिक व्यवस्था के संबंध में गहन बोध को उपलब्ध हो गए।

Osho: Excerpted from The Book of Secrets

कोई दूसरा ध्यान खोजने के लिये यहां क्लिक करें।

English Version

If you want to live a more fulfilled life, first you will want to know your potential, who you really are. Meditation is the route to that knowing. It is the methodology of the science of awareness.

The beauty of the inner science is that it enables whoever wants to explore and to experiment within, to do so alone. This eliminates dependence on an outer authority, the need to be affiliated with any organization and the obligation to accept a certain ideology. Once you understand the steps, you walk the walk in your own, individual way

Many meditative techniques require one to sit still and silent. But for most of us accumulated stress in our bodymind makes that difficult. Before we can hope to access our inner powerhouse of consciousness, we need to let go of our tensions

Would you like to discover another Osho Meditation?

Finding Silence in the Center of Sound

Close your eyes and feel the whole universe filled with sound. Feel as if every sound is moving toward you and you are the center. This feeling that you are the center will give you a very deep peace. The whole universe becomes the circumference and you are the center, and everything is moving toward you, falling toward you.

The center is without sound, that is why you can hear sounds — a sound cannot hear another sound. The center is absolute silence. That is why you can hear sounds entering you, coming to you, penetrating you, encircling you.

If you can find out where is the center, where is the field in you to where every sound is coming, suddenly sounds will disappear and you will enter into soundlessness. If you can feel a center where every sound is being heard, there is a sudden transference of consciousness. One moment you will be hearing the whole world filled with sounds, and another moment your awareness will suddenly turn in and you will hear the soundlessness, the center of life.

Do not start thinking about the sounds — that this is good and that is bad, and this is disturbing and that is very beautiful and harmonious. Simply think of the center. Just remember that you are the center and all the sounds are moving toward you — every sound, whatsoever the sort.

Sounds are not heard in the ears, the ears cannot hear them. The ears only do a transmission work, and in the transmission they cut out much which is useless for you. They choose, they select, and then those sounds enter you. Now find out within, where is your center. The ears are not the center, you are hearing from somewhere deep down. The ears are simply sending you the selected sounds. Where are you? Where is your center?

Excerpted from The Book of Secrets

Click here to discover another Osho Meditation

Notepad for collection good from net

"You are the average of the five people  you spend the most time with." 

Life without goodness,
Good thoughts, good
Actions and good words
Is like the sky in the
Night without the moon
Or stars. It is like a wheel
Without a hub or spokes!
No one can push a
Boulder away while
Standing on it; you
Cannot be free from
Anxiety while all the
Entrances through which
It sneaks are open!


Good Morning.........

life is short,

 so break the rules............

forgive quickly,

believe slowly,

love truly,

laugh uncontrollably.....


 never regret anything......

that  made you smile........

every little smile

can touch somebody's  heart!!!!

have a gr8 day...........




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तनाव प्रबंधन के कुछ सटीक सूत्र
तनाव मनः स्थिति से उपजा विकार है.मनः स्थिति एवं परिस्थिति के बीच असंतुलन एवं असामंजस्य के कारण तनाव उत्पन्न होता है. तनाव एक द्वन्द है, जो मन एवं भावनाओं में गहरी दरार पैदा करता है. तनाव अन्य अनेक मनोविकारों का प्रवेश द्वार है. उससे मन अशान्त,भावना अस्थिर एवं शरीर अस्वस्थता का अनुभव करते हैं.ऐसी स्थिति में हमारी कार्यक्षमता प्रभावित होती है और हमारी शारीरिक व मानसिक विकास यात्रा में व्यवधान आता है. इससे बचने का एकमात्र उपाय है -परिस्थिति के साथ तालमेल रखना , जिससे तनावरूपी मनोविकार को हटाया-मिटाया जा सके.

परिस्थिति को स्वीकार न करने पर तनाव पैदा होता है. यह तनाव कई प्रकार का होता है. पारिवारिक तनाव , आर्थिक तनाव, आफ़िस का तनाव ,रोजगार का तनाव, सामाजिक तनाव. मनोनुकूल परिस्थिति-परिवेश के अभाव में व्यक्ति उद्विग्न ,अशान्त एवं तनावग्रस्त हो उठता है. इसमें केवल एक व्यक्ति प्रभावित होता है, परन्तु यह सीमा जब व्यक्ति को लांघकर परिवार में पहुँच जाती है तो परिवार तनावग्रस्त हो जाता है.पारिवारिक तनाव से परिवार के संवेदनशील रिश्तों में दरार एवं दरकन् पैदा हो जाती है जिससे छोटी-छोटी बातों को प्रतिष्ठा का प्रश्न बनाकर कलह एवं कहासुनी जैसी उलझनें खड़ी कर दी जाती हैं. सुन्दर व सुरम्य पारिवारिक वातावरण व्यंग्य और तानों का दंगल बन जाता है.

वैयक्तिक एवं पारिवारिक स्तर पर संपदा व संपति के सुनियोजन एवं सुव्यवस्था के अभाव में आर्थिक तनाव का जन्म होता है.उपभोक्तावादी अपसंस्कृति के कारण अपव्यय एवं जीवनशैली की अनियमितता में वृद्धि हुई है,जिससे यह संकट और भी गहरा हुआ है.सामाजिक तनाव समाज के विभिन्न घटकों,समूहों एवं वर्गों के बीच तालमेल के न होने से उत्पन्न होता है.आज का व्यक्ति , परिवार व समाज तनाव के इस विघटन,टूटन एवं दरकन् से ग्रस्त हैं. व्यक्ति हो या समाज,आज ये इस कदर तनावग्रस्त हैं की उन्हें अपना भार भी असह्य लग रहा है. वे अपने ही बोझ से दबे-कुचले किसी तरह अपनी गुजर-बसर कर रहें हैं.

तनाव परिस्थिति से नहीं मनः स्थिति से उपजता है.अगर ऐसा नहीं होता तो विपरीत एवं प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियों में भी आशा,उत्साह एवं उमंग की परिकल्पना नहीं की जा सकती. जीवट के धनियों एवं मनीषियों ने प्रतिकूलताओं में जीवन की राह खोजी है,अपने गंतव्य,लक्ष्य को प्राप्त किया है.सूरदास,अष्टावक्र,सुकरात आदि मनीषियों ने शारीरिक विकृति को हिनताजन्य तनाव नहीं माना और इसी समाज में उत्कर्ष व सफलता की बुलंदियों को स्पर्श किया.सन्त तुकाराम का पारिवारिक जीवन तनाव के घनघोर कुहाँसों में घिरा हुआ था,परन्तु वे इस कुहासा-हताशा के आवरण को चीरकर भक्ति की भावधारा में सदा सरोबार रहते थे.कबीरदास के जीवन में आर्थिक तनाव सघन घन बनकर बरसा था, परन्तु प्रभु के अलावा किसी के आगे उनने हाथ नहीं पसारे,याचना नहीं की और अलमस्त एवं आन्नदपूर्वक जिंदगी जीकर दिखा दी.सामाजिक निंदा,अपमान एवं तिरस्काररूपी गहन आंधी-तूफान के बीच मीराबाई ने कृष्णभक्ति की ज्योति जलाई. विपरीत परिस्थितियों में इन महामानव ने जितना कर दिखाया,उतना तो सामान्य एवं सहज परिवेश में भी संभव नहीं है. इसका एकमात्र कारण है,मनः स्थिति की सुदृढ़ता-सशक्तता. अतः तनाव परिस्थितियों में नहीं दुर्बल व अशक्त मनः स्थिति में वास करता है. मनीषियों व मनस्वियों को यह स्पर्श नहीं कर पाता है.

तनावजन्य मनोविकारों का आक्रमण केवल दुर्बल व कमजोर मानसिकताओं पर होता है. परिस्थिति तो सबके लिए समान होती है.एक ही परिस्थिति में रहने वालों में से संकल्पवान अपने इच्छित लक्ष्य को प्राप्त कर लेता है और विकल्प तलाशने वाला केवल विकल्प तलाशते रह जाता है. परिस्थितिजन्य तनाव ही प्रमुख व प्रबल होता तो एवरेस्ट के शिखर पर चढ़ा नहीं जा सकता था . जिसका मन परिस्थिति से तालमेल नहीं बैठा पाता उसी के अन्दर तनावजन्य विकृतियाँ अपना जाल बुनती हैं. ऐसे व्यक्ति का तंत्रिकातंत्र मन के आवेग को संभालने हेतु असमर्थ होता है.कष्ट-कठिनाइयों का हल्का झोंका भी इन्हें तार-तार कर देता है.

तनाव मुख्य रूप से नर्वस सिस्टम को प्रभावित करता है. तनाव से यह तंत्रिकातंत्र अत्यंत सक्रिय हो जाता है. इसकी सक्रियता हृदयगति एवं शर्करा के स्तर को बढ़ाने में सहायक होती है. इससे घबराहट होती है एवं सिर भारी रहता है. ऐसी अवस्था में नकारात्मक विचार उठते हैं और मन में निराशा-हताशा के बादल मंडराने लगते हैं.

तनाव मन में उत्पन्न होता है.अतः तनाव से मन प्रभावित होता है. तनावजन्य नकारात्मक
एवं निषेधात्मक विचारों से शरीर की प्रतिरक्षात्मक प्रणाली पर भी विपरीत असर पड़ता है. तनाव की अवधि
में श्वेत रूधिर कोशिकाओं की सहज सक्रियता कम हो जाती है.ये कोशिकाएँ शरीर की रोगों से रक्षा करती हैं तथा शरीर को स्वस्थ एवं निरोग बनाए रखने में अहम भूमिका निभाती हैं,परन्तु तनाव इस प्रतिरक्षात्मक
प्रणाली की मुस्तैदी को कम कर रोगों को प्रवेश करने का अवसर प्रदान करता है.

तनाव से मन में कई प्रकार के मनोविकार अपना स्थायी आवास बना लेते हैं. तनाव
से चिड़चिड़ापन पैदा हो जाता है. ऐसे व्यक्तियों का मानसिक संतुलन लगभग गड़बड़ा जाता है,परिणामस्वरूप नींद न आना,

हताशा-निराशा,कल्पनाओं में खोए रहना, डरना आदि मनोरोगों का प्रादुर्भाव होता है. ऐसे लोगों में निर्णय करने की क्षमता नहीं
होती है.

तनाव प्रबन्धन का प्रथम सूत्र है- वैचारिक खुलापन अर्थात आग्रह ,पूर्वाग्रह का अभाव . अच्छे विचारों को स्वीकृति एवं समर्थन देना चाहिए.इसी के आधार पर
सहयोग- सदभाव की भूमि तैयार होती है. सहयोग से स्वार्थवृति मिटती है और सेवा का भाव पनपता है,जिससे अपना विश्वास
प्रगाढ़ होता है. विश्वास ही विकास का मूल मंत्र है,उन्नति - प्रगति का साधन सोपान है. इस स्थिति में आकर ही स्वायत्तता की परिकल्पना की जा सकती है और स्वतंत्र रूप से अपनी योजना को कार्यरूप प्रदान किया जा सकता है.इसी में आंतरिक चेतना के परिष्कार तथा
वाह्या उन्नति की समस्त संभावनाएँ सन्निहित हैं.संभावना जब मूर्तरूप लेती है तो प्रामाणिकता के रूप में अभिव्यक्ति पाती है.
प्रामाणिकता आत्मविश्वास को जन्म देती है, तभी महान कार्य हेतु स्वयं का योगदान सम्भव हो सकता है और दूसरों का सहयोग मिल सकता है.तनाव प्रबंधन के इन सूत्रों में तनाव का समाधान समाहित है.
इसके साथ आवश्यक है सर्वशक्तिमान ईश्वर के प्रति श्रद्धा-आस्था की भावना. ईश्वर सर्वसमर्थ है, वह हमारी सभी समस्याओं का समाधान ,हताशा के कुहासे में ज्योतिर्मय पथ प्रदर्शक है.
वह हमारे तनाव का निवारक भी है. वह हमारे सभी मनोविकारों के सघन जंजाल को काटकर उत्साह,आनंद एवं प्रकाश से भर सकता है.अतः उसकी स्मृति को हृदय में बनाए रखने के लिए
गायत्री मंत्र की एक माला का न्यूनतम जप करना चाहिए.प्रत्येक दिन अपने नये जीवन का आत्मबोध एवं प्रत्येक रात्रि अपनी मृत्यु का अनुभव तत्त्वबोध भी तनावमुक्ति
के लिए रामबाण साधन है. यही तनाव का एकमात्र निदान है और उच्चस्तरीय जीवन का पाथेय पथ भी है.

साभार :- अखण्ड ज्योति